Thigh Lift
A thigh lift is a complex surgical procedure and requires the skills and talents of a highly-trained, plastic surgeon. The team at UT Plastic Surgery has excellent qualifications and are members of the faculty at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center.
As we are engaged in educating others entering the field of plastic surgery, we are committed to staying at the leading edge in advanced surgical techniques for faster healing and better results. Talk to us if you are considering a thigh lift or lower body lift – we have the knowledge, skills, and extensive experience you need for this complex surgical procedure.
About a Thigh Lift: The Procedure
Every person is living with unique issues and varying quantities of excess fat and skin, as well as skin flexibility. Your procedure will be customized to address your individual issues. The procedure involves the following steps:
You will be put under anesthesia, whether intravenous sedation or general anesthetic.
Once you are sedated, the incisions are placed, which can vary in location, based upon the extent of the procedure. The incisions can be placed in the inner thigh, the groin, hidden within the crease at leg, on the outer thighs, or in combination. Our talented, plastic surgeons are careful to place the incisions so the scars are hidden, even when wearing revealing clothing.
The incisions are then carefully closed, with the underlying tissues tightened so the thigh area, once healed, will appear smoother and correctly contoured for your body.
Thigh Lift Candidates: Is it Right for You?
A person who is an appropriate candidate for thigh lift surgery will be in the following condition:
You are at a relatively stable level of weight
You have an excess of tissue, skin, and fat in the inner or outer thighs that makes your figure less attractive.
You do not have a medical condition that could affect healing or increase risk when undergoing a surgical procedure.
You do not smoke or are willing to quit.
You understand what the surgery entails and have realistic expectations about the surgery, recovery, and what can be achieved with the procedure.
You live a healthy lifestyle, including watching your diet and engaging in regular exercise to stay fit.

Schedule a Consultation
If fitness and diet have been unable to give you firm youthful-looking thighs with a pleasing proportion, a surgical thigh lift may be the appropriate procedure. This surgical technique allows to you have tight, attractive thighs. A thigh lift resculpts your thighs and reduces excess drooping skin, fat, and tissue, leaving you with smooth, tight, fit-looking thighs that look appealing in tighter clothing. You can achieve smoother, less bulky thighs and lower body with a customized thigh lift procedure.
Thigh Lift Candidates
Thigh Lift Recovery
As a thigh lift is a major surgical procedure, you will need to plan for your recovery. When the surgery is completed, you will have bandages covering the area, and depending upon your procedure, may have surgical drains in place. You must set aside adequate time away from work to rest and recover, in most cases about three to four weeks before you can return to work, with six weeks a typical period to heal completely.
Those who have had a procedure in the crease of the groin may recover more quickly. Some patients have undergone a full lower body lift, which addresses the thighs as well as the buttocks. Every person is different both in what is needed and in the speed with which they heal. Swelling and bruising are to be expected. You will have to restrict your activities during recovery and spend plenty of time lying down and resting to help you heal more quickly.