Chin Augmentation & Reduction
As members of the faculty at the University of Tennessee College of Medicine in Memphis, our plastic surgeons are committed to providing safe, natural care. Not only are they involved in educating medical students entering the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery, they also stay at the forefront in new developments and techniques in plastic surgery. Chin surgery, called "mentoplasty" or "genioplasty," will be customized for the individual patient.
When selecting a plastic surgeon for facial enhancement, you want high level surgical skills, experience, and artistry – as you will live with the results of the surgery for the rest of your life. It must be performed with meticulous care and attention to detail to achieve beautiful results.
Memphis Chin Augmentation andReduction
The size and projection of the chin is an important aspect of an attractive facial balance. A receding chin, small chin, asymmetrical or oddly-shaped chin, or overlarge chin are aesthetic issues that can be resolved by our skilled plastic surgeons at UT Plastic Surgery in Memphis. Several types of chin surgery procedures may be employed to create a more attractive facial profile, including:
Chin implants
Chin reduction surgery
Advanced liposuction to remove excess fatty tissue for a more youthful chin and jawline definition
Tightening neck muscles
Surgical procedure to move bone forward for a receding chin
Human beings respond positively to a specific type of facial symmetry. Much scientific research has been performed to discover why some faces are considered attractive, and others less so. For women, a smaller, more defined chin is often perceived as more attractive, while in men, a square, more prominent chin is typically perceived as more attractive.
Facial balance: The human perception of beauty.

Schedule a Consultation
Creating a beautiful profile with the help of a facial plastic surgery expert.
If your chin is too large or too small, receding, or asymmetrical, chin augmentation or reduction can change more than your profile – it can dramatically shift how others perceive you. With the assistance of our facial plastic surgery experts, your facial features can be rebalanced, and subtly altered to create a more attractive, appealing look
Resolving a Receding Chin: Chin Augmentation Surgery
If your face lacks balance and you feel you look less attractive due to a receding chin, it can be resolved with a carefully-planned surgery. For some patients, the lack of facial balance can be resolved with a chin implant. These implants are available in a range of sizes and shapes to match various types of facial structures. Chin augmentation surgery involves the following steps:
An incision is placed within the mouth or in the natural crease beneath the chin to create a pocket into which the chin implant is placed.
The implant, which is constructed from a soft synthetic material that feels similar to natural tissue, is inserted into the pocket and into the correct position.
Tiny stitches are used to close the incision. The surgical scar is invisible if placed within the mouth, and fades to being almost imperceptible when placed beneath the chin.
After a full evaluation of your individual condition, it may be determined that another procedure will be superior in resolving your receding chin. This procedure is called genioplasty. Only a full evaluation of your face and jaw structure will reveal which procedure will be most effective in your case, and we invite you to visit our Memphis clinic for a consultation. Our plastic surgeons focus on both reconstructive and cosmetic procedures for face and body. We will professionally evaluate your condition and determine which procedure will produce the most attractive, comfortable, balanced result.
Chin Reduction Surgery
Chin reduction surgery involves reshaping the underlying bone, along with reducing the soft tissue to create a more attractive facial profile. Some patients are genetically programmed to have a long chin, pointed chin, overly-large chin, or a chin that projects too far for the rest of the facial structure. This surgical procedure re-sculpts the bone to bring about a more appealing profile. A chin reduction is often a life-changing surgery for people who feel less attractive due to an overlarge, jutting, or deep chin structure.
The procedure to reduce chin size or projection involves placing an incision within the mouth, between gum and cheek to access the bone structure of the chin. The jawbone is reshaped to a more pleasing size and form with various specialized surgical tools. For some patients, a minor facelift procedure is performed to tighten skin and create a more defined, fresh, attractive look.
Empower yourself.
You may have been bothered for many years with a chin you feel is too large or too small. Taking the step to alter your profile with a custom chin reduction or chin augmentation can be an empowering experience, with many benefits, including:
Greater confidence in your appearance
Improved facial balance
A more attractive look, creating a positive response when meeting others
Nose appears smaller
Enhance your facial appearance with chin surgery
The change in your facial structure can be a life-changing event. A custom chin reduction or augmentation can enhance your confidence in your facial appearance when interacting with others, feeling more attractive, and increasing your quality of life. There is no need to live with a chin that is too large, too small, receding, or lacking youthful, firm definition. Find out more about chin surgery at UT Plastic Surgery in Memphis, where we offer the most advanced surgical techniques to create a more beautiful you.